Referred International Journal
Peer-Reviewed Journals (Impact factor to be determined as per Thomson Reuters list. ...
IMPACT FACTOR for 2022 : 5.2
International Journal of Indian Science and Research (IJISR)
(Online - Monthly - Multidisciplinary Subject - Peer Review Journal)
The International Journal of Indian Science and Research (IJISR) is an open-access, International, referred, peer-review journal (ISSN No. 2583-4584 (Online)). The Publisher name is Aswini and Editor-in-Chief Name is Dr. Murugaperumal Registration address is Ariyankuppam Post, Puducherry State, India.
Aims & Scope: This Journal is Publishing Research Papers/Articles at the International level. Moreover, this journal will help researchers and research scholars to publish their research papers and article worldwide.
IJISR is a monthly and online journal with a wide range of subject areas (Multidisciplinary Subjects). The ISSN (India Center) duly Registered and Assigned the ISSN 2583-4584 to the International Journal of Indian Science and Research.
The Editorial board of IJISR consists of very experienced and highly qualified editors. Editor name, editorial office address, phone, email and website: https://www.indianscienceresearch.com/editorial-board. Reputable reviewers from renowned Institutions and Universities around the globe. Please visit to: Peer Review Committee. The language is English. Inaugurated in 2022.
A paper is checked for plagiarism by the Journal before it is submitted to the peer review committee. Only after going through a peer review process will articles and research papers be published. Current status (Print/Online/Both).
This journal is a free Publication, However, for Indian authors, there will be an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 1000 INR (plus 100 INR for taxes and bank fees), and it will be 100 USD for International authors from other countries for single Article/Research paper.
After being published in the IJISR, each article/research paper will receive a unique DOI free of charge. Each author will receive a free download of the published article/research paper as well as a free download of the certificate of publication for all Authors.
Indexing in Google Scholar, ResearchGate (Research Interest Score-68.3, citation-149), Publons, Mendeley, ORCiD (0000-0003-4457-8042), Web of Science (GRR:4335-2022), SciProfiles (2272116), ResearchBib (Academic Resource Index), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Zotero, Paperpile, Scientific Journal Impact Factor, Scholastica, Scholarly Community Encyclopedia, GidHub and many more. Referred by the IQAC to UGC for inclusion in the UGC CARE list. Observe the norms of UGC-CARE, Scopus, Web of Science, and other standards for open access, etc.
All articles/research papers have websites with highly secure SSL certificates that are fully automated and secure. Authors can check the status of the publication process online. Send the author email and text message notifications for each step of the paper publication process.
Our team is available constantly to address any queries, you may have about the journal submission procedure. We appreciate your interest in the International Journal of Indian Science and Research (IJISR). If you have any questions or issues, please do not hesitate to contact us!
The International Journal of Indian Science and Research is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. International Journal of Indian Science and Research © 2022 by International online Publication is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Prof. Dr. K. Murugaperumal,
B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D.,
Associate Professor
Hyderabad, India
Er. K. Aswini,
Manavely, Ariyankuppam,
Puducherry, India