Referred International Journal
Ethical Expectations
There is an ethical binding on all the members of the various departments of the Journal. Everyone is expected to perform his/her duties within a certain ethical code. The following describes the roles and responsibilities of the various members working for the Journal.
Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor
To follow an inclusive approach to the editorial policy without any discrimination on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, language, religious faith or political leanings
To ensure the publication of material that would be relevant, useful and within the scope of the Journal, contributing to the academic field in every possible way.
To facilitate fair, unbiased scrutiny of the author’s work, offering constructive criticism and refraining from slanderous or derogatory remarks, so that the deserving works get published
To protect confidentiality in all matters.
To handle cases of plagiarism and other copyright violation in a judicious manner.
To ensure careful handling of cases of conflict of interests.
To promptly respond to queries and complaints.
To perform all editorial duties promptly.
All complaints of ethical violations and unethical practices and conflicts of interest should be investigated in promptly and a fair way.
To ensure confidentiality of the manuscript data, ideas and author's work and should refrain from personal gains and should maintain the integrity of the journal.
To uphold the ethical values, the credibility and the integrity of the Journal.
Members of the Editorial Board
To follow an inclusive approach to the editorial policy without any discrimination on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, language, religious faith or political leanings.
To ensure the publication of material that would be relevant, useful and within the scope of the Journal, contributing to the academic field in every possible way
To facilitate a fair, unbiased scrutiny of the author’s work, offering constructive criticism and refraining from slanderous or derogatory remarks, so that the deserving works get published
To accept an assignment of peer-reviewing only if the manuscript pertains to their subject of expertise.
To ensure careful handling of cases of conflict of interests
To coordinate efficiently with the Editor-in-chief and managing editor
To uphold the ethical values, the credibility and the integrity of the Journal
To protect confidentiality in all matters
To handle cases of plagiarism and other copyright violation in a judicious manner and to inform the editor immediately about those violations.
To declare any conflict of interest (if necessary). Should refrain from peer-review if any existing conflict of interest.
To ensure careful handling of cases of conflict of interests
To coordinate efficiently with the Editor-in-chief and managing editor
To uphold the ethical values, the credibility and the integrity of the Journal.
Peer Reviewers
To facilitate fair, unbiased scrutiny of the author’s work, offering constructive criticism and refraining from slanderous or derogatory remarks, so that the deserving works get published
To protect confidentiality in all matters regarding the peer-review process.
To handle cases of plagiarism and other copyright violation in a judicious manner and to inform the editor immediately about those violations.
To declare any conflict of interest (if necessary). Should refrain from peer-review if any existing conflict of interest.
To perform the duties of the peer reviewer promptly.
To accept an assignment of peer-reviewing only if the manuscript pertains to their subject of expertise
To coordinate efficiently with the Editorial Office.
To uphold the ethical values, the credibility and the integrity of the Journal.
To ensure that they submit only those manuscripts which have not been previously published, not been accepted for publication, not under consideration for publication anywhere else.
To preserve and maintain accurate data of the submitted manuscript and should submit to the journal office on request.
To submit the author’s original manuscripts following the expected standards of the Journal and adhering to its policies
To cite and acknowledge any sources if the relevant content is taken from either author’s own or other published articles or currently in review by other journals.
To confirm those studies involving human or animal subjects should be done within national, local and institutional laws and should confirm that required ethical approval to be obtained from the respective institutional ethical committee.
Informed and written consent should be taken from the human subjects if the manuscript reports any human-involved study and should respect their privacy by appropriately masking their identity.
The author should declare any potential conflict of interest for all authors during the submission of the manuscript.
The corresponding author should assign authorship based on the international norms and should give acknowledgement to anyone who provides help and support to the study but cannot be qualified for the authorship.
The author should declare if the manuscript has been presented anywhere else (conference, seminars etc) before or during the manuscript submission.
Informed and written consent needs to be taken by the author if any identifying data such as photographs or names of the individuals is included in the manuscript.
Ethical violations and unethical behaviours such as more or duplicate submissions, plagiarism, manipulation of citation done to increase citation for a particular journal, falsification or created or manipulated data, ghost authorship and redundant publication should be strictly avoided by the author.
The Journal editor should be intimated by the author if any significant error is identified in the submitted, under review or any published manuscript.
To provide details and data required by the Editorial office of the Journal promptly adhering to all due dates
To consciously and ethically refrain from any acts of plagiarism or copyright violation, multiple, redundant or concurrent publications.
To follow all rules and guidelines prescribed for the publication of a work.
To declare that it is an original work by the author.
To ensure honouring of privacy and confidentiality wherever required.
To provide citations and acknowledgements for borrowed sources in the prescribed format
To ensure that formal consent is obtained in cases of usage of personal information, photographs, and names.
To extend full cooperation with the Editorial Office if the investigation is required to clarify or cancel allegations of plagiarism or any other unethical or fraudulent activity.
To follow an inclusive approach to the editorial policy without any discrimination on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, language, religious faith or political leanings.
To ensure the publication of material that would be relevant, useful and within the scope of the Journal, contributing to the academic field in every possible way.
To satisfy and work in the interest of all the stakeholders.
To ensure that the publication process takes place in total adherence to the policies of the Journal.
To make sure that financial barriers and technical snags do not affect the publication process.
To provide all facilities to the Editorial team and other teams.
To uphold the ethical values, the credibility and the integrity of the Journal.