Referred International Journal

Calling for Articles
We are calling for papers in our peer-review and open-access journals. We welcome high-quality work that focuses on research, development, and application in the following areas:
Clinical and Medical Research,
Science and Arts,
Life science and Nursing,
Engineering and Technology,
History and Geography,
Literature, Mathematics,
Political Science and Economics,
Laws, and
All other subject's regular basis.
Original research papers, survey papers, case studies, and academic or scholarly articles are also submitted for Publication.
Last date of Submission : 29th of every Month
Submission Notification : Within 1-2 days of submission
Review Notification : Between 3-4 days from the date of submission
Acceptance Notification : Within 2-3 days after the review
Publication Notification : Immediately after published
DOI, Indexing and others : Same day of the publication
Publishing Features:
The manuscript will be accepted only through our online system. Authors can also register from here and submit their manuscripts online. If any author has difficulty or inconvenience in uploading the manuscript online, then contact us by email at editor.isrj.issn@gmail.com or editor@indianscienceresearch.com
The Paper will publish online.
Publish a paper with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for global recognition and cross-references check.
Individual soft copy of "certificate of publication" to each author of the paper.
Full-color soft copy of the published paper.
Open Access journal database for high visibility and promotion of your research work.
Inclusion in all major bibliographic open journal databases like Google Scholar, and more.
A global list of prestigious academic journal reviewers/editors from leading colleges & universities, net worked through the International Journal for Indian Science and Research Publication.
Conditions for accepting the manuscripts:
A maximum of 3 authors can participate in a manuscript submitted in any journal of publication.
A good quality paper should not exceed 5 - 12 pages and excluded supplementary material or supporting documents.
A set of good-quality images (JPEG format) and their detail should be sorted in an MS Word file so that they can be numbered. The set of illustrations used in the manuscript must be sent along with the original manuscript.
All referenced tables in the manuscript should be sent separately with details and tables in image format will not be acceptable.
In the questionnaire, the editor of the journal concerned may ask for a "research scope" and a description of the resources used in the research, so it should be prepared.
Papers will only be published in English.
All papers are refereed, and the Editor reserves the right to refuse any manuscript, whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.
After sending the manuscript, it should not be sent and submitted to any other journal or conference, in this case, it would be considered a rule violation of publication.
And if the author wishes to withdraw the submitted manuscript, they must notify it within 4 days, by emailing the publishing office or editor. Then, the author is free to submit the manuscript anywhere.
Research Topics
Topics are accepted from all possible areas related to Science, Engineering, Business & Management, Medical & Pharmaceutical and Applied Science research fields to publishing in our various journals. The topics are not limited to the list that is available at this link.
Manuscript Format
Publication of any articles/papers/manuscripts in IJISR requires strict conformance to the paper template. Once the paper is selected, the manuscript of the article/ paper will be published in the IJISR Digital Library. The paper template can be downloaded from this link Sample-Template.
Article Processing Charges
There is no charge for submitting a paper for publication. Still, a processing & reviewing fee is required after acceptance of the article which is a very nominal amount per article to cover editorial expenses. After issuing acceptance notification by the board of editors, the author will pay Rs. 1100/- for processing, review and paper handling charges. For detailed information see Article processing fees.
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